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First Online Auction Run will end on:





How to participate

Either a collector having rare items you want to sell or a hyped buyer in pursue of the best rare items

BAMI Auction is for all

Prepare it

Get your collectible organized & protected

List it

Upload and register your items

Ship it

Get yours prepared to ship to BAMI
and make sure is well packed

Auction It

Complete necessary procedures and documents

For you


For Sellers

Coverage & Service areas

What Areas and countries BAMI Auction covers?

As first period of Auction at BAMI will be serving and supporting KSA and all its remote cities for first phase, Join Community to know more about coming expansion to GCC

Auction Runs & Listing

What does it meen an "Auction Run"?

Each Auction Run is the time of an Auction got activated

How Each Run is going to affect my listing?

For the first listing of an item no.1 will be having the general Auction fee of BAMI

instead if any seller wished to list the same item into the next run, the listing fee would be the double as below
BAMI Auction fee:
(First listed run + upcoming run - for duplicated listing/reactivated) = final commission

What is the Asking price in listing submission?

The asking price is your selling start price that you wish to sell your item with
however, the starting price considered only as a starting point for us as BAMI to calculate commission then activate your listing on site

How long it takes until i get approved for my listing?

Generally all submissions reviewed and approved within 72hrs
if approved you will receive the auction agreement to proceed

in which way you identify or recognize my listing from others?

Every item listed in auction will have a listing identification SKU
this will prevent duplication or mixing from other sellers for siimiilar or look alike items

Shipping handling - Seller to BAMI

I have prepared my collectibles for auction, what to do next?

After completing packing successfully review the packing guide to ensure all items have been properly organized and well packed, next is to plan shipping label to BAMI HQ

Should my package for auction shipped/picked up by BAMI?

In General BAMI do not take over into process of preparing shipments by sellers to our location
If needed we shall support for such matter for submissions approved to auction with the nearest phase

Does shipping fees will be free?

All shipping fees will be charged & taking into consideration for consolidating by sellers/sole seller.
from our end as BAMI all shipments from sellers to BAMI are subjected to servicable fee as per shipping companies

I don't know about the best budget saver & most reliable shipping company, what should i do?

It is best to book your collectibles with reliable known shipping company that suits your budget.
However, most of our friends at BAMI recommend those companies based on previous experience & best service:
- Redbox
- Faastlo

Return packages

Will BAMI Cover return listing to my address?

No, shipping of returns will have same policy as shipping from seller to BAMI

Payouts processing

I saw my collectibles got bids and sold, how i shall collect my revenue?

If listed items were sold,
All payment processing will be via saudi banks only
Make sure that correct details of your bank account is correctly filled

Payment processing is 7 working days

I got STCPAY, should it considered an authentic way to fill in my submission?

No, STCPAY payouts via phone number are rejected.

Insert your STCBANK information instead
Only a known bank located within Kingdom of saudi arabia

I have made several listing of my cards and it got sold, but never received my amount
  1. We highly suggest at first to make sure your financial information are correct
    Make sure the needed financial
  2. information are filled in full, no short names, no missing fields
  3. Strictly prohibited to list another bank account that aren't matching your full name, phone number at BAMI

Banned items

What are the items prohibited in auction?

Fake TCG & counterfelt products

How can i know if my product is authentic for auction?

For products suspected to have a fake source or counterfelt

Reach out to our support team for validation purposes before attempting to list/submit


What should i do if got a rejection?

Any rejected submission will have to resubmit after 1 month from the date of last submission

For Buyers

Auction definition

What is "Auction mean"?

a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder

Is there a steps for Auction?

An auction is usually a process of buying and selling collectibles by offering them up for bids, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder or buying the item from the lowest bidder


What does it mean "Place a bid"?

Placing bid is placing a price that you are willing to pay for the item

What does it mean " someone is overbid your bid"?

it means there are someone made a higher bid on your latest bidding

How i should know that someone is overbid my bid?

Keep an eye on the listing your bid on
Or make sure you have checked your email for notification

Conditions health

What are the conditions of the items listed?

All listings will be having condition as image listed with a verification badge

"Verified by BAMI"


I Noiced my items were sold but took longer period to receive my items

Claim it at Claiming app


Is shipping will be by BAMI?

All listings sold by auction will be observed, and managed by BAMI

if an auction is sold by a seller, we hold payments until package arrives healthy to buyer

Refund & Exchange

Are listings in auction eligible for exchange or refunds?

as we verify every listing at BAMI Auction

All items listing at Auction are sold as final sell with no exchange or refunds to it

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